Friday, 16 October 2009

PRELIMINARY - Planning my contents page and changes i made

When i got on to task eight of the work we were asked to produce, i had to create a contents page for my school magazine on Quark Xpress, however before hand i was asked to roughly sketch a contents page, so i has ideas. I made a list of features and regular content in school magazines, therefore i had more ideas of what content i could upload onto my contents page. I also made a sketch which displayed where i would place my images and that my contents page would be set out into columns. I decided that i would have only 4 images, and then i would have Sub-headings such as 'Halloween' then underneath the subheading i would list any content the magazine was to contain about Halloween. Therefore if the reader only wanted to read about the halloween disco, which was one of my features, then it would enable them to find the page quicker as it was set out into sections.
Furthermore as i have never used Quark Xpress before, we were given a class demonstration in which i took down notes to help me to remember how to use the program in the following lessons. At first i found Quark Xpress confusing, in that it was different to Photoshop, which was what i was used to and i had to do things in a different way, however the more i used the program i come to find that it was easier than i had originally percieved it to be.

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