Monday, 30 November 2009

Change Of Ideas

Double Page Spread
For my double page spread, my ideas have changed. I was planning on writing a biography about the girlband Girls Aloud and then add an interview with a real Girls Aloud fan... However after planning this and writing up in a word document,my questions and other original ideas started to change. Therefore when i started to use Quark Xpress i found this. And my final idea came to be that i would just write a biography about the band, letting the audience know more about them. I choose to use Girls Aloud because i went to see them in concert and i had good quality images of the group, also the genre of music i have choosen is the 'Pop' genre, and the girlband appeals to my target audience of Girls ages 10+.
Title Of Magazine
I have edited the title of my music magazine because my original idea of “PopRocks” had connotations of the Rock genre, however this may confuse the audience, therefore I have edited it and made some changed and after a long plan I came up with a new title, called ‘Pop Stardom’… this works because it only connotes the Pop genre and does not confuse the audience.

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