Monday, 22 March 2010

Publication plan

Publication Plan

Title: Pop Rocks

Positioning statement:

Frequency of publication: Monthly

Price: £2.20

Distribution: Newsagents and supermarkets, online.

Rationale: The approach of my magazine is to cater for people who are fans of Pop music, to make my magazine original I will allow the fans to write in with their own articles, and I will feature a page every issue which will contain a “spot the pop star” page, in which fans will send In their pictures with celebs and will receive money for it.

Style: The magazine will be informal; the magazine is aimed at all pop music fans. It will include humorous interviews with the latest pop stars. The magazine will include a lot of images throughout it; because It is aimed at 10+ therefore they will not want to read for example a double page spread without consistent images. The language used will be simple, with short paragraphs.

Regular Content

• Editors Letter on the contents page
• Pictures sent in from readers with pop stars
• A list of concerts around the UK from the featured artists in the weeks issue
• Letters sent in from readers
• Page which will focus on stories that have been sent in by readers
• Two posters of different band/artists every issue
• Freebies when you purchase the magazine E.G, Free make-up (because the target audience is Girls only)
• Gossip from the latest pop stars
• Whoops page - where there will be images of pop stars they didn’t want you to see

Feature Content

Examples of feature articles which will appear in the magazine:
• Interviews with the latest pop stars
• Articles on bands splitting up
• Articles on the latest chart toppers
• Interviews with successful pop star managers
• “pop star of the month”
• Interviews with legendary musicians

House Style

Cover lines: Franklin Gothic Medium

Headlines: Shruti

Stand first: Shruti 12pt

Captions: Shruti 10pt

Features first paragraph: First word in capital letter in larger pt than the rest of the text. In font Shruti.

News first paragraph: First word in Bold capital larger pt.

Body Text: Arial 11pt

Colour scheme: White, Pink, Green

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