Monday, 22 March 2010



1. How old are you?

15 and Under 16-24 25+

2. Are you interested in music?

Yes No

3. If yes, what genre of music are you interested in? Pop Rock

Classical Indie R&B Jazz Other
... If Other, Please state below which Genre it is

4. What/Who is your favourite band/Artist? _____________________

5. How often do you buy music magazines?

Every week Every Fortnight Monthly Never

6. How much would you spend on buying a music magazine?

£2-£3 £3-£4 £5+

7. What attracts you to buy a particular music magazine?________________

8. Do you prefer to look at music magazines via the internet?
Yes No

9. Are you male or female?

Male Female

10. Do you prefer a magazine to have a limit to the use of colour?
Yes No

11. Do you like a lot of images to be on the front cover of a music magazine?

Yes No

12. What three words do you associate with Pop music?
___________________ _________________ ________________

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